But through deep, soulful work, I found my way back to my true essence — and it changed everything.
My Story
Like so many others, my journey has been woven with a lot of challenges. From a young age, I carried deep insecurities, a sense of not belonging, and a persistent belief in my own “not enoughness.” The constant inner chatter kept me small, disconnected, and unable to see my own worth. Shadows of depression and anxiety followed me from childhood well into my 20s, growing so overwhelming that I knew I couldn’t keep living that way. A series of rock bottoms and wake-up calls ultimately sparked the commitment to create a life that felt vibrant, connected, and aligned with my higher self.
For most of my life, I lived according to the ‘shoulds’—the external expectations of what my life ‘should’ look like. I checked all the boxes, did everything I was supposed to do, but something was always missing. Despite following the ‘right’ path, I continued to feel stuck, unfulfilled, and disconnected from my true self. I knew there had to be more to life than this, so I began seeking out what that ‘more’ could be.
That search led me to the transformative realms of spirituality, Kundalini Yoga, shadow work, and holistic health & wellness. These practices helped me break open and confront some hard truths: I didn’t know who I truly was, what I truly desired, and the version of myself I had become wasn’t one I liked.
The journey hasn’t been easy—there have been moments of doubt and times when I questioned whether I was truly making progress. But I kept showing up. I trusted the process of growth and surrendered to the magic of the Universe. Through small, aligned actions, self-love, and the consistent embodiment of my higher self, I slowly began to transform.
This journey is ongoing, and I am still uncovering new layers of myself every day. But I’ve never felt more connected to my truth, more aligned with my purpose, and more empowered to guide others on their own journeys of transformation.
Now, I’m called to help women break free from what’s holding them back so that they can step into their innate, vibrant power.
Through Transformation Coaching and Kundalini Yoga, I guide women in shedding self-limiting beliefs and embodying their higher selves.
Curious to learn more? Explore my journal, where I share personal stories, insights, and tools to help you align with your highest self.
Set up a discovery call with me and take the first step towards growth, transformation, and claiming the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Are you ready to begin your journey?
My Mission & Oath
My Mission & Oath •
My mission is to contribute to the change that awakens women to their true power, helping them break free from the limitations of their minds and society. I want to be part of the movement that elevates consciousness, creating space for humanity to rise and contribute to a better world.
I promise to create a safe, empathetic, and non-judgmental sanctuary—where women can express themselves freely, share their stories, and celebrate the unique beauty of their journeys. I commit to nurturing an environment where we rise together, uplift one another, and heal as a collective. As the saying goes, “by healing ourselves, we heal the world.”